Wednesday 25 February 2009

New Plan - Starting out again

Today was an inset day from college and we were starting our thriller form Scratch! We now had a new location for the film and decided to use Corinne's house for the thriller instead of Candy's house which we originally used because it was easier for everyone to commute to. everyone except candy had done their task fro the night before to create shot lists and ideas of the footage that we would need for our thriller, fortunately I had managed to get hold of Candy the night before and informed her of the situation as she was not in the lesson the previous day to witness it for herself, so i explained to her that we would be meeting up at Corinne's house the nest day at 9am to start our thriller from the beginning, but again she turned up late to the shoot and myself and the group had filmed most of the footage already without her. She eventually turned up around 11:30 and was able to help us shoot some of the final shots.

even though we were starting again everyone was optimistic and positive that we could film this within the short time frame we had left, the group had now learnt a lesson that planning what to do and being prepared before you film makes it much easier to get to the location and start making progress as we all knew exactly what shots we needed and the type of angle. Everyone had been grafting hard fro the beginning of the day and we had managed to shoot so much footage in such a short space of time, it just goes to show what can be achieved is everyone works together as a group and has everything organised in advance. Time was now ticking and we had to get the final scenes shot because I had to go work that day so was unable to stay for much longer as I was needed so my shots could be filmed before it was time for me to leave. The group was working as one and most of us were doing a great job at shooting and starring in the film, every scene was shot perfectly from many different angles and view points.

It was around 2pm now and we were just getting the final shots for the thriller, these were the most important shots as they would bring the whole film together and make it work on screen. We were finally finished around 3pm and were so astonished by how much work we had actually done today, we have filmed an entire thriller from scratch in the space of 6hours, and this was a great achievement. What we had filmed today was 100 times better from the footage we had already shot and captured back at college. Hard work pays of in the end. The next step is to go to college on Monday during the half term to media workshop and upload and edit our thriller as much as we can until we come back after half term and can put in the final touches.

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