Monday 23 February 2009

First editing session

Today we started editing our thriller. We logged and captured all of our shots into Final Cut Pro and started to edit, this was difficult in the beginning as we had forgotten what we had learnt in the tutorial weeks back. We often ended up capturing footage at the wrong time and forgetting to stop capturing.

Towards the middle of the lesson we became more confident and we were able to edit quickly and effectively. We started with the plug scene this was smooth and effective and like we planned it was a long and slow edit before the next shot. We then inserted the point of view shot. We decided to use the shot in which we used a still camera which we set up so that we could see Candy from her room in the bathroom and then walking to towards her room. This shot was smooth and the most effective. We found that the other shots that we used could not be used as the camera movement was unclear, and messy.

The shots of the draw being opened were nice and clean when we edited it however, we took a long time trying to decide which shots would be the most appropriate to use. A major problem that we faced was that the paper in which Candy took out of the draw was actually a copy of a book and this could be seen in the camera as we had used a close up. This meant that the mysterious content didn’t important and it had nothing to do with our storyline which links to secretive information.

The low angled shot which we used wasn’t very fluid because in the shot just before this shot Candy was holding the papers differently to the way she was holding the papers in the low angled shot which was noticeable and unrealistic.

We finished editing with a tilt down from the low angle to candy’s feet. We came up with this idea as we wanted to then have and exterior tracking shot of a mans feet walking down a road who was heading towards her house.

Next lesson we will be filming our exterior shots and the shot of the mans feet will be included in our plans. We will also be re filimg some of our interor shots which were unsuccesfull.

I am very happy with what we have and I feel that our thriller has a lot of features which make it conventional to the thriller genre e.g. exaggerated close ups.

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