Saturday 28 February 2009

28 Febuary 2009... deadline was yesterday! was it met...

Unfortunately i wasnt in thursday's media lesson but this was due to reasons that are out of my hands.We worked well however considering the major changes in terms of location and storyline that occured. We have the finished piece- entitled "Illicit content" (I hope i spelt that right..). Alex was fundamentally in charge of the credits. We looked at a range of fonts, colours and types of text to find the right one for our sequence. Yet, as our thriller already ran slightly over 2 minutes, the credits would have to played over the sequence instead of haveing say, a black background for the credits.
I took the opportunity during Andrews lesson to go down to the music department and see if I could create a suitible soundtrack for our piece. I had originally made one at home on my Yamaha keyboard but as its pretty old, there was no way of somehow getting the music onto a floppy disk to use. But anyway, I tried to re-create the piece but it was a tad too upbeat for what our sequence consisted of. So, Im hoping that the others took the opportunity in Annabels lesson to create that on the sound track software the rest of the class used. I found it very easy to get to grips with so I hope they did too. Her are just some of the many range of shots we included in our thriller:
1)A long shot of the Corinne’s house (establishing shot)2.) An extreme close-up of the doorbell as it is being rung3.)A close up of Corinne’s face as she sleeps4.) A close up the a clock to show time passing4.)Various angled shots of Corinne’s journey down the stairs enabling us to have some math cutting5.) A close up of Corinne’s hand as she opens the door6.) A low angled close up f Corinne hand on the mouse7.) A close up of the water and plug as the bath is being filled up8.) A high angle of the intruder’s feet entering the house with a panning camera movement.9.) Medium shots of Corinne in the bathroom10.) Shot reverse shot between Corinne and the intruder as he enters the bathroom11.) An extreme close up of the intruders mouth as a demands for the secret information( from two different angles)12.) A medium shot of the intruder from the side showing the knife in his hand. Entitled "Illicit content", the sequence is about an intruder who needs something out victim and main character Corrinne has (is posted) he enters the house and corners her in her bathroom before brandishing a kitchen kniofe and saying "wheres the content?" "wheres the Illicit content?"

As I do not play a part in the thriller as a character, I took the oppotunity to assit in the directing and filming of the sequence. I think my handheld camera movement is improving :D which can only be a good thing, true?
I'd like to congratulate my group because I think in the short space of time we had (and considering we started from scratch less than 2 weeks before the deadline!!) we managed to create something different and Iv'e learnt alot- more than I bargained for anyway. I just hope when tuesdays lesson comes the piece is completed- soundtrack and all. We'll see. I'll write again real soon.
And to my group....
Sorry Iv'e missed a few lessons guys.. :) x

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Crunch Time

We have now returned back from half term, there is about four days until the final deadline and we have not yet finished editing the thriller.

During this whole week returning from half term my group and i have been in all the media workshops and lessons completing our thriller, once again everyone was given a specific task so that things would run smoother and we could complete the thriller as fast as possible. My job was to create credits for the thriller, Corinne was assigned to creating a soundtrack and Abdul was assigned to putting the sequence in order and making any visual/audio adjustments to the piece. Candy was not around again and was not contactable therefore the group had to crack on without her and try their best to get everything done without her present.

Initially Candy was to create the soundtrack, but due to her absence the task was assigned to Corinne instead, by about Thursday we still had much to do such as the soundtrack and making adjustments to the sequence. as Corinne was finding it hard to create a soundtrack I stepped in a created one swell as I had already finished the credits as that was the easy part, so in the end we had two soundtracks mine and Corinne's, the group decided that my soundtrack was the better of the two so I carried on editing it and making adjustments so it would fit together with the film.

Everything was almost complete, we just had to import the soundtrack into final cut pro and add the credits to the sequence in ideal places so that they didn't cover up vital information in the thriller. We have finally finished.

New Plan - Starting out again

Today was an inset day from college and we were starting our thriller form Scratch! We now had a new location for the film and decided to use Corinne's house for the thriller instead of Candy's house which we originally used because it was easier for everyone to commute to. everyone except candy had done their task fro the night before to create shot lists and ideas of the footage that we would need for our thriller, fortunately I had managed to get hold of Candy the night before and informed her of the situation as she was not in the lesson the previous day to witness it for herself, so i explained to her that we would be meeting up at Corinne's house the nest day at 9am to start our thriller from the beginning, but again she turned up late to the shoot and myself and the group had filmed most of the footage already without her. She eventually turned up around 11:30 and was able to help us shoot some of the final shots.

even though we were starting again everyone was optimistic and positive that we could film this within the short time frame we had left, the group had now learnt a lesson that planning what to do and being prepared before you film makes it much easier to get to the location and start making progress as we all knew exactly what shots we needed and the type of angle. Everyone had been grafting hard fro the beginning of the day and we had managed to shoot so much footage in such a short space of time, it just goes to show what can be achieved is everyone works together as a group and has everything organised in advance. Time was now ticking and we had to get the final scenes shot because I had to go work that day so was unable to stay for much longer as I was needed so my shots could be filmed before it was time for me to leave. The group was working as one and most of us were doing a great job at shooting and starring in the film, every scene was shot perfectly from many different angles and view points.

It was around 2pm now and we were just getting the final shots for the thriller, these were the most important shots as they would bring the whole film together and make it work on screen. We were finally finished around 3pm and were so astonished by how much work we had actually done today, we have filmed an entire thriller from scratch in the space of 6hours, and this was a great achievement. What we had filmed today was 100 times better from the footage we had already shot and captured back at college. Hard work pays of in the end. The next step is to go to college on Monday during the half term to media workshop and upload and edit our thriller as much as we can until we come back after half term and can put in the final touches.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Planning our Thriller again...


The story line for our new thriller revolves around a delivery that comes threw the character Corinne’s door. In the delivery that is of an envelope is a USB that contains important information (unknown to Corinne). Corinne is awoken by the sound of the doorbell and she goes and retrieves this envelope. She then see's the usb and decides to load it onto the computer. As she had been out the night before and is still in her party clothes, and is tired and slightly hung-over. She loses focus and decides to go and have a bath and then go back to the pc afterwards. Whilst she is running the bath, an intruder who knows about this usb and wants the secret files breaks into the house. He is equipped with a knife and dressed in black. He then goes into the bathroom where Corinne is and in a threatening manner and demands to know “where the content is" ( the content being the information on the usb) he then slams the door shut and this is where we will be ending it. We decided to end the opening here because it will leave the audience wanting to watch more as well as leaving them on edge which was our plan.We have planned some of the shots that we feel would make our thriller looking very effective. Some of these shots include;

1.)A long shot of the Corinne’s house (establishing shot)
2.) An extreme close-up of the doorbell as it is being rung
3.)A close up of Corinne’s face as she sleeps
4.) A close up the a clock to show time passing4.)Various angled shots of Corinne’s journey down the stairs enabling us to have some math cutting
5.) A close up of Corinne’s hand as she opens the door
6.) A low angled close up f Corinne hand on the mouse
7.) A close up of the water and plug as the bath is being filled up
8.) A high angle of the intruder’s feet entering the house with a panning camera movement.
9.) Medium shots of Corinne in the bathroom
10.) Shot reverse shot between Corinne and the intruder as he enters the bathroom
11.) An extreme close up of the intruders mouth as a demands for the secret information( from two different angles)
12.) A medium shot of the intruder from the side showing the knife in his hand.

We planned the shots in this way to prevent us from changing the storyline and to make sure that we can film the thriller opening as quickly and
effectively as possible so that we have time to do extra filming.

We also discussed appropriate props and costume that we will be using. Now that we are organised I hope that the next filming session go to plan.


Today we went to do some editing of the shots that we had filmed hoever, we found that the shots which we had filmed previously were blurry and often out of focus, this means that we do not have hardly any work. We tried our best to log and capture any usable footage but from what we had it is clear that we are going to have to go over most of the shots again to make complete sequences.

As a group we began to get very stressed because we realised that the deadline was getting closer. We came up with the decision to shoot the whole thing again because we had completely sidetracked and come off task with our initial plans. We wrote down a detailed plan of each shot we would use and we made a story board to prevent us from falling off task.

3rd flimng session

Today at candy’s house we had aimed to film all of the exterior shots and we did manage to get most of the shots done. We wanted to create the feeling the Corinne (myself) was being watched as she started her journey towards Candy’s’ house. We created this effect by putting the camera behind cars and behind bushes for example. We also had a lot of close ups of me such as the close up which revealed the necklace I was wearing. We came up with this idea because we planned to show the necklace later on in the thriller opening but in the hand of an unknown man suggesting that he has harmed her. We also used the camera movement of tracking when I was walking down a road, this was good because it revealed key parts of my costume i.e. heels and we felt that this would help the audience understand and learn about my character. Also, the diagetic sound of my heels clicking created an underlying tension. Furthermore, we also had a point of view shot me walking down a road and then looking around suspiciously and we did this through the use of a hand held camera.

We did not manage not manage to get onto our shots of the unknown man entering the house but we will do that during the course of the week.

experimenting with credits


We had planned to film this lesson but members of the group were not around due to personal problems. Instead we started to think about the type of credits that we could use. We experimented with a range of fonts and font sizes and we managed to find one particular font which we felt look effective for the last credit which will be the title of our film Illicit content.

2nd Filming session

Today we went back to Candy’s house to do some more filming. We weren’t very productive and we were very un-organised. We focused on filming the exterior shots but this was very unpractical due to the harsh weather conditions, as a result I don’t think we performed to the best of our ability.

We did some establishing shots of the house and we also panned up and down the road. Our intentions for this was to create some shots that would show the audience of the type of area the scene is based in thus giving them a better understanding of the characters.

As we continued to film we came up with lots of ideas and we ended up changing the storyline and introducing a new character( Candy’s friend). To show that the characters knew each other we decided to show them testing and receiving texts from each other and we did this by simply having extreme close ups of the phones as they received and sent the texts.

We also re filmed the scene with Candy taking the document out of the draw and then reading it. Whilst doing this we realised the lighting was a lot darker in the room compared to the other bedroom scene which we had shot previously and this would look strange when we came to edit. After some deliberation we decided to film all the shots in the bedroom again with the exact same techniques and the same camera movement.

We have booked out the camera so we can do some more filming in our own time as we are starting to fall behind, we aim to finish the filming by next lesson.


the group has now run into a major dilemma, we have now uploaded all the footage onto our hard drive so we began sifting through all the shots and noticed that many of them were not very professionally shot and looked very amateurish, meaning we would not obtain high marks for our thriller, but that wasn't the only problem. as we showed the footage to peers in our class they were did not look to excited about the shots as we would have expected, we then showed the teacher our footage and she informed us that are shots we not up to scratch and looked like a rookie had done them in not so many words. This created a big problem for the group as the deadline for the thriller was drawing closer and it was half term the next day.

if we stood a chance at getting our thriller up to scratch we thought that we would need at least a week to be able to correct all the shots and shoot them again, but knew that we did not have this time to we took a big leap and decided that we would book out the camera for one last time and film our thriller from scratch the next day which we had no college on due to it being an inset day. everyone was very determined that we could do this and was happy to try our hardest to film the thriller form scratch the very next day, another problem that we ran into on this day was that one of our team members was nowhere to be found so we could tell her the bad news and we found it very hard to communicate with her and find out where she is.

the group now has a big problem on our hands, we were going to try our best to film a thriller within the space of a day, we knew it could be done as we have seen thrillers that were shown to us during class time that were filmed in the space of three hours. Everyone was now given an individual task to do that night, and come up with ideas and shot scenes that we would need to put into our thriller. All the footage that we had previously shot had been scrapped and we were back to the drawing board. Very nerve racking!

Filming Continued

We have now had our second filming session at Candy's house and were able to capture all the shots needed to add to the footage we had already imported onto our hard drive back at college.

Unfortunately this session was not as successful as the first session as the group wasted a lot of time due to people not arriving to the location on time or being ready to shoot the rest of the footage, this then lost us about 2 hours filming time which we could have put to use to get some extra shots. This session we concentrated on getting the footage of the street where the intruder would be following the victims friend to her house, we also managed to get some scenes of Candy communicating with her friend via mobile. Now that we were filming scenes with them communicating we then introduced Corinne into the scene as she played the character of the friend that is being followed by the intruder. The exterior scenes were limited today as it started to rain and we did not have an umbrella with us at the time to cover the camera, so we decided to get what interior footage we could and call it a day as we were rushed for time due to people arriving to the set late.

Although we managed to get quite a bit of footage, I am disappointed that everyone in the group was not contributing fully to the success of the film and not taking the task serious enough; this was a definite cause for concern. Next lesson we will be uploading all the footage that we have gathered and start editing our thriller as the deadline was getting closer and closer.

Monday 23 February 2009

First editing session

Today we started editing our thriller. We logged and captured all of our shots into Final Cut Pro and started to edit, this was difficult in the beginning as we had forgotten what we had learnt in the tutorial weeks back. We often ended up capturing footage at the wrong time and forgetting to stop capturing.

Towards the middle of the lesson we became more confident and we were able to edit quickly and effectively. We started with the plug scene this was smooth and effective and like we planned it was a long and slow edit before the next shot. We then inserted the point of view shot. We decided to use the shot in which we used a still camera which we set up so that we could see Candy from her room in the bathroom and then walking to towards her room. This shot was smooth and the most effective. We found that the other shots that we used could not be used as the camera movement was unclear, and messy.

The shots of the draw being opened were nice and clean when we edited it however, we took a long time trying to decide which shots would be the most appropriate to use. A major problem that we faced was that the paper in which Candy took out of the draw was actually a copy of a book and this could be seen in the camera as we had used a close up. This meant that the mysterious content didn’t important and it had nothing to do with our storyline which links to secretive information.

The low angled shot which we used wasn’t very fluid because in the shot just before this shot Candy was holding the papers differently to the way she was holding the papers in the low angled shot which was noticeable and unrealistic.

We finished editing with a tilt down from the low angle to candy’s feet. We came up with this idea as we wanted to then have and exterior tracking shot of a mans feet walking down a road who was heading towards her house.

Next lesson we will be filming our exterior shots and the shot of the mans feet will be included in our plans. We will also be re filimg some of our interor shots which were unsuccesfull.

I am very happy with what we have and I feel that our thriller has a lot of features which make it conventional to the thriller genre e.g. exaggerated close ups.

Snow Day

Due to the adverse weather conditions which we faced today 02/02/09
collge was closed for two days and so we were not able to film today like we had planned. Next lesson we will edit the shots that we have on final cut pro.

1ST Filimg session

Today we went to Candy's house to start the opening of our thriller film. We decided that we were filming in Candy’s house it would be easier and logical to use her as the main character because she would look more at home and relaxed in the environment which she is comfortable and familiar with. The first thing that we started to film was the bath scene. This started which an extreme close up of the plug hole which then progressed to the Candy running the bath. I found that this was particularly effective in setting the tone and theme. We felt that this shot would be ideal for a long and slow opening sequence which would leave the audience anticipating what was next to come.

The image opposite shows the first shot that the audience will see.

We decided to use the hand held camera technique to show Candy's point of view when running the bath and we did this because we wanted to use a range of shots from a range of perspectives.

We used a range of different shots and camera movement techniques to show Candy walking from her bathroom to her bedroom. E.g. A point of view shot of the journey, Panning from the bathroom to the bedroom, tracking, and also use of a still camera which we set up so that we could see Candy from her room in the bathroom and then walking to towards her room. When we move on to editing we will be able to choose which shot we think will be the most effective.

We then decided to focus on Candy who would go to her room and take out a document which is of high importance. We wanted to show this importance and I feel that we achieved this through a variety of shots that we had. First of all when Candy opened the draw we shot this from behind her and had the camera at waist level, this shot suggests that she is trying to hide something and the low tripod use makes it clear the what is in the draw is important. We also had a close up of the draw as it was being opened and this was because it created tension and we felt it would make the audience want to watch on in order to see what was in the draw. When Candy had the document in her hand we decided to have a low angled shot as it made her look superior and powerful suggesting she had power and control.

We faced a lot of problems throughout the day which meant that we took a lot of time meaning we didn’t get as much filming done as we had hoped. This included having to clean rooms and space so that the camera could fit and also so that the audiences attention wasn’t diverted to unnecessary Mis en scene, However, this was not entirely our fault as we had not planned to film today and therefore the necessary preparations had not been made. Other problems that we faced were that we weren’t very confident with the camera and tripod; we had a lack of concentration and focus, and moving the camera when it was on the tripod.

Next lesson we will be going back to Candy’s house to get some exterior shots and shots of another person who will be travelling towards Candy’s house.

Sunday 22 February 2009

22nd Febuary 2009

Having planned and created our opening sequence, which involved creating our pitch and sharing ideas, we started the filming process. We decided to shoot the footage at Corrinnes house instead as it is a bigger airier space. Through the course of our filming, we changed a few things- a few ideas came to light and other things that we thought would work we scrapped. We had alot of filming to edit (filming took just over 2 weeks!) which we started on the first day of the half term (Monday16th Febuary).
I think we had a great range os shot types- we used some match cuts and low and high angles to emitt mystery and questions. I think we succeded in not giving too much away but also keeping the audience intrigued too.
We have yet to create a soundtrack that matches out opening, but we can make a start on that on tuesdays Media lesson.