Tuesday 20 January 2009

20th January 2009

? Key Images and Icons..Settings and Locations..music ?

Having had a brief discussion the lesson earlier on what the beggining of our thriller opening would contain, today our task was to pitch our idea for the opening sequence. We are required to write a script emmiting our developed ideas.
Our narrative is based on a vunerable girl, gettin ready to go out in the afternoon-jumping in the bath. Our key images and icons that will be used are feminine based- modelling pictures and bright fairy lights. We will use these to emphasis the girlish, vain teenage girl.
Our opening is set within an intimate location, in this instance my house. In perticular the upper level of the house- the bedroom and the bathroom. The home is seen as a "safe haven" so setting it here will be effective as we don't useally associate our homes with danger and mystery. Also, we will be filming outside the house (providing an establishing shot) as our intruder lurks- waiting for the right moment. Another location we will be filming in is Tesco's- to show the audience that the Mother clearly isn't in the one venturing toward the house.
Music is another crucial aspect of our thriller opening. We havn't made a final decision on whether we will use the college's own copyright free music or whether we'll create our own as I have a keyboard at home, but that decision will be made in due course. It is imperative that out soundtrack matches with the opening in terms of the atmosphere it creates and how different sounds signify when something will signifiant occurs. We will have the music syncronised in time with the action. We aim to create lots of tension and mystery with the music we include- we want to scare our audience and leave them on the edge of there seats.