Tuesday 20 January 2009

Match Cutting Preperartion

In lesson we learnt about a technique called match cutting. This is when an action or a sequence is filmed over a sequence of shots.

We then watched the media departments exemplar thriller opening and it included a range of match cuts and other interesting camera work. The edits were very smooth and the ideas were very simple and un-complex. This shows that simple ideas can be very effective. We were then given a breif which was to film a sequence using at least one match cut, an example of shot reverse shot and we had to show our understanding the 180 degree rule ( by not breaking it). We had to show a character opening a door , walking into a room, and stting down opposite another chacter. We storyboarded our ideas and we filled in a sheet in which we planned how each shot would be. e.g We planned for shot number 1 to be a close up of the characters feet as they enter the room and the camera action would be tracking. We thought by not showing the feet we would be able to build the tension and create suspense by leavning the audience guessing. Next lesson we will be filming and editing our film ideas using the a piece of software called 'Final Cut Pro'..

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