Tuesday 6 January 2009

Blogging Task

The task the I had been given for my practice filming session was to film a card game in which i would incorporate all of my editing skills and knowledge into the editing & filming of the clip, this task was intended as a practice run for the real thing that I would be filming as part of my Media coursework.

I was relatively happy with the camera work, although people in my group were not up to scratch and not co-operating as i would of liked them to. Although there were a few misunderstanding, overall the outcome of the film was a success, the shot that were most successful were the still camera work of over the shoulder shots of Candy & Abdul. Some of the shots that did not work were the ones when I was using then tripod to film my scene and then started using the zoom feature whilst recording the clip, this meant that the camera movement was very shaky and the end result was not very professional looking.

Editing of the short film went quite good considering me and all the members of my team are novices when it comes to editing video footage using an Apple Mac pc, my continuity editing was quite successful, although some of the edited scenes did not link together as I had imagined. Overall my short film made sense and the end result portrayed the task that was set.

Mise en scene

I learnt a few new bitys from Mise en scene, I learnt that the location and surroundingg area of a film is very crucial in order to attract the audiences attention and to seduce them into the film as soon as they lay their eyes on it.

I don't think that I was successful in trying to create an element of suspense, this was because the members of my team were not taking the task set serious enough in order to achieve this goal

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