Friday 27 March 2009

Issues we overcame! NO sweat really was it....

I must note that although our work has been completed and we are sure to get a good grade (:D!), our completed work wasnt finished without issues which we overcame...the major issue being the fact that we had to start all over again after just a few scenes in the lessons in Feburary when we were filming. When we returned to college the following thuesday to look at and edit the filming we did at my house (the first setting we chose to film our work) we realsied that it didnt make much sense at all- and on that dissapointing note- started all over again!
But. No sweat! We started immidietly, meeting at Corrines house to start again- fully aware of how behind we were (compared to our peers) and filmed everything in 1 day! And to add to our own suprise at how fast we worked- returned to college on the first day of half term which was a Monday to edit our work. We found it worked really well- made sense of course and we edited quickly. We also encountered minor problems when compiling our soundtrack. Well I had said I would do it (because I could make it at home on my keyboard- yes I play piano.. :)) but I couldnt transfer the work I had made on a USB unfortunately so in the end the group made one using the software at college. I was kinda dissapointed because I made a really good piece which I think would have fitted well- and the fact I made it made me feel that I had achieved someting for the group work we had done. But no worries we finished everything and I just thought Id blogg on the problems we faced as its important to mention thoses too. isnt it :)

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