Thursday 30 April 2009

Alex evaluation

Thriller evaluation

Looking over our edited thriller, opening clip we decide it should be the final piece to send off to the examiners as we couldn’t really make much improvements and was also very pleased with the copy we had made. Our teamwork, motivation and dedication enabled us to create such as what I would say an effective clip.

After we completed our task of creating a thriller opening, we then had to type up this evaluation for our blog. in order to this as a whole we all decided to catch a glance of a few other members thriller opening so we can make a few notes, comments and comparisons to get us started and into the vibe of the whole evaluation scheme.

In order for our group to get great results for our thriller opening we first looked at a few thrillers to inspire us and give us a taste of how a thriller opening should be. In class, we watched the shining, which was quite an effective thriller and in the opening it really did leave me curious for what is going to happen next causing me to want to watch more which, I’m pretty sure is what the director intended on. In my own time I also looked at a few other thrillers so that I could look over what things they did to make their opening effective

Our film shared conventions of a real thriller as we used certain shots and camera movements as seen in a few thrillers that had been produced and distributed to an audience. We also looked at a few thrillers, used a few of their techniques, and gathered them together to create our own.

Our media product represents particular social class such as a middle/working social class, as we used an average girl in a house. She had just woken up and covered in make up all over her face in a mess as she had a party last night. This is more or less what u would expect from a young girl around the age of seventeen in today’s society and it was good that we chose a girl of that age group to be the victim as it represents our intended age group for our audience.
In our thriller we made sure that the story line is something that we can relate to as we put things that accurse in every day life in this society so that it attracts the audience into the film more which makes it more intense for the viewers and more thrilling.

In my eyes looking at the type of thriller we created I strongly recon it would only be a distribution to the British industry or maybe even a TV’ film as its more or less really British based and more of what the British would like to see this is because most things that happen is what we see happening in our society which other countries may not be interested in also most films that are British are only distributed in the UK unless its about our history which would then intrigue more viewers allowing us to distribute it worldwide.

Our media product (film thriller) is aimed at the audience of everyone over the age of twelve but mainly the age group of fifteen to the age of twenty four as they are usually the people that would be interested in this and also the people who could suffer from such incidents.

I think our film will attract our intended audience because of the type of characters in the film and the roles they play along with the incidents that happens which we usually see in today’s society certain characters are very needed such as the teenage girl who represents most urban girls that like to go clubbing and look good. The use of the person coming in at the same moment of her having a shower is also good as it rather makes the viewers think whether or not if the guy is going to rape her which I’m sure is what they are expecting as we hear a lot of that happening.

We decided that for it to be advertised to our intended audience we shall use certain ways of enticing them. We did some research on how our target audience normally find about films and what reaches out to them the most and, we then realised that most of them notice things on the internet, TV, radio and on buses and least of all magazines especially when it came down to boys, so looking at that we decided to go on famous site that youths go onto such as MySpace, Fcebook and YouTube then we also decided to broadcast it on radio and television as we know a lot of people watch the television, as the amount of people who said that they notice things through magazines we decided not to use it to get across to them.

In the process of constructing this product, I have learnt a few things or two on the technology side, as I was able to work on a camera, which I had not done before I learnt how to operate one alongside how to get certain effective camera shots which were very vital in our thriller or many as a matter of fact. Not only did I learn something with the camera work but also with the computer parts or the editing shall I say. I learnt how to work with final cut pro, which again was something I had never used in my life further more something that I had never herd of.
I did not only know how to use it but I also realised how much of impotents it had and one thing for sure it was a lot because without it the whole thriller would have looked like a shambles which wouldn’t have got us nowhere in other words the final cut pro was an amazing lifeline for us and I am pretty sure it was to many others as well.
Using this programme aloud me to learnt how to do such things as add a sound track and more amazing skills like the fade cuts and all the other techniques that film producer’s use.

Over all looking at the whole task, I have learnt a lot and realised so much. Looking back at the match cut exercise I realised it was beneficial and enabled us to get the hang of how to use the camera and how to make life simpler to get it done.
We realised that everything we did had all linked up somehow and was all of relevance and were all needed to make the thriller work a bit like the human body as u need all the vital organs to bond together for the body to work and if one of them fails to function it has a major effect causing it not to b up to its standard which is how the media production works with the storyboard, the planning the editing and so on.

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